Cual Cantante Esta Hablando Mal De Jennifer Lopez!? Envidia? O Tiene Razon?

We all know that no one can touch JLO.  Sorry pero JLo is Jlo and she will ALWAYS be a queen.  PEROOOOO hay otras personas que no son fanaticas. After Jennifer's performance at the Latin Billboard Awards,  a weird post was made by singer La India.

The "Seduceme" singer posted this picture with the following...

"It's a meat market these days w/ women who still think they are still young, wake up and smell that morning bustelo cuz nothing lasts forever milk it while ya can only real artists will stand the test of time no es llegar es mantenerse"

BOOOOOOM!!!! She didn't name any names, but everyone thinks she is taking a direct hit to JLo

Do I think people should sing live?  YESSSSS I agree with La India on that part, pero one can come for Jennifer.  She is a queen who deserves her spot.

Maybe other people need to smell the bustelo and watch this music video where Jennifer SLAYS!!!! #ELANILLO

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