Ya casi son las una de la mañana mientras escribo esto y todavía no sabemos quién es el presidente de este país. En cualquier otra eleccion estaría nervioso y cuestionando porque tarda tanto, pero en una elección en medio de una pandemia this is exactly what was expected.
Due to the massive amounts of mail in ballots this election, the process of counting mail in ballots could take days and could end up drastically switching any projections that outlets have put out. According to the New York Times, New York and Alaska among other states announced que sus votos por correo WILL NOT be available on election night, leaving any projection of the states to early voting and citizens that voted on Election Day.
One of the best example of the night tiene que ser el estado de Pensilvania y Georgia. Both states started skewing more towards President Trump and looked to be all wrapped up for the republican nominee. Mientras seguía la covertura, various medios comenzaron a anunciar que en ambos estados todavía seguían contando no solo votos por correo pero también votos en persona. Same case with Arizona as of 1:22 AM when a few hours earlier some outlets were calling it a projected victory for Vice President Biden. As of now it seems like Arizona has a long way to go to complete its voter count not only because of mail in votes but also counting votes on Election Day, it might take a while to see some kind of projection.
Vice President Joe Biden spoke at the late hours of election night to motivate and reassure his supporters
President Trump took to Twitter on election night accusing Democrats of trying to steak the election with voter fraud, a Tweet that Twitter flagged as misleading.
We still got a long way to go until we find out who will lead the USA, so take a sip of your cafecito and strap in. After all it is 2020.
Connect with me on IG: @Rojas.Radio