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If you didn't already know, singer Nicky Jam has his own YouTube show called "The Rockstar Show" in which he interviews artists and producers in the industry. It's really cool actually to see someone from the industry interview others because they know the down low, and probably can ask more interesting questions in my opinion. Well this time around Panamanian music producer El Chombo interviewed Nicky on his set after Nicky interviewed him.
I love this because the tables are turned and Chombo found out how Nicky got his part in the movie Bad Boys with Will Smith. If you haven't seen the movie, Nicky plays the villain and does it well lol.
During the interview he explained, that he invited Will Smith to perform with him at the Russian Olympics a few years back, but knew that Will was going to start filming the new Bad Boys movie. So Nicky didn't hesitate and asked Will if he could get a part, maybe having better luck since he had Will perform at the Olympics. And Wills response was sort of a yes, but that he would have to try out for the part.
It's a great convo, and fun to hear how Nicky really set up that opportunity.