La Gringa Más Latina

La Gringa Más Latina

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JBalvin habla abiertamente, "Cuando me muero, quiero que la gente dice..."

J Balvin siempre habla abiertamente de su salud mental. Pero creo que su entrevista con 'CR FASHION BOOK" era increíble. El habla de muchas cosas, de donde viene su inspiración, de su mentor, y de su ansiedad y depresión.

Balvin dijo, “I love everything that is this lifestyle, because I’ve been dreaming of it ever since I was a kid. But at the end of the day, that doesn’t give me happiness. If I’m what I have, the day I don’t have it, so what?”

He even speaks about what he wants people to think of him when he dies saying,

"The day I die, I want people to be like, ‘He was legit. He was around all these things that people dream of, but he never changed, he was just something beautiful.’”


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