Si no has visto el documental "Framing Britney," you HAVE to see it. Es un documental sobre la vida de Britney Spears, y explicando porque su padre tiene control de su vida. Bueno, después de verlo, mucha gente están apoyando a Britney. Pero Britney acaba de escribir esto en su cuenta de Instagram junto video bailando,
Ella dice, "My life has always been very speculated ...watched ... and judged really my whole life !!! For my sanity I need to dance to @iamstevent every night of my life 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼 to feel wild and human and alive !!! I have been exposed my whole life performing in front of people 😳😳😳 !!! It takes a lot of strength to TRUST the universe with your real vulnerability cause I've always been so judged... insulted... and embarrassed by the media... and I still am till this day 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼 !!!! As the world keeps on turning and life goes on we still remain so fragile and sensitive as people !!! I didn't watch the documentary but from what I did see of it I was embarrassed by the light they put me in ... I cried for two weeks and well .... I still cry sometimes !!!! I do what I can in my own spirituality with myself to try and keep my own joy ... love ... and happiness ✨🙏🏼 ☀️ !!!! Every day dancing brings me joy !!! I'm not here to be perfect ... perfect is boring ... I'm here to pass on kindness 💋💋💋 !!!!"